The resources were created with the permissions of the Elders and/or their families included in the resources, with the cultural guidance of the National NAIDOC Committee Co-Chair and ElderAunty Lynette Riley. Written by Culture is Life’s Aboriginal educators and lead writer Thara Brown, in partnership with the ABC and with young people’s perspectives and ideas at the centre.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders hold the stories that make up the oldest living culture in the world! This year’s NAIDOC theme and education resources, ‘For Our Elders’, is an opportunity for all Australian schools to ensure our young people are learning from our Elders knowledge and perspectives, and that these continue to be passed down through generations for millenia to come.
Culture is Life is honoured to be celebrating and sharing the knowledge and lived experiences of our Elders past and present, to ensure our stories as First Peoples are valued in every classroom around the Country.